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2019 – Five things I’m thankful for

Amy Cameron by Amy Cameron Additional Needs

Amy Cameron

Amy Cameron

I’m mummy to 2 boys with very different needs - follow us to see how we live a different kind of normal.

We are about to wave goodbye to 2019 and say hello to 2020.

New Year time is often a time to reflect upon the happenings, drama, dilemmas we’ve gone through in the previous year.

It’s also a time to celebrate the achievements and milestones that have been reached. 2019 has been a crazy, busy year for our family and seems to have gone by in a blur but as I look back here’s five things I’m thankful to 2019 for:

1) Good health – 2019 has seen our littlest guy keep in the best health he’s ever had.

We’ve avoided hospital admissions and we’ve seen him get stronger and stronger.

We’ve been able to manage the unwell days at home and this has meant less time for our family to be divided by hospitals! I’m thankful that the rest of the family has kept well also which has meant less risk of our little guy being ill.

2) Spending time as a family – over the course of 2019 we’ve been able to spend many days out as a family.

We enjoyed a summer holiday, we’ve had trips to the cinema, we’ve had movie nights, played at the park, went on adventures.

We’ve celebrated birthdays, school achievements and family occasions. We’ve eaten numerous ice creams and just hung out together.

We’ve grown closer as we learn to accept and adapt to both our boy’s needs.

3) Our support network – I’m so thankful for the family and friends that continually support us on a daily basis.

For those that offer practical help like doing baskets of ironing, sitting with the boys, getting housework done, accompanying us to appointments.

And for those who send messages of support or ask how we are. To those who invite us out so we can have a break and for those who help care for our boys so we can have a break.

We are blessed to have such supportive people in our lives.

4) That we’ve grown stronger – I’m thankful that over the year we’ve not only stayed strong but got stronger. We’ve worked through challenges and remained positive in all we do.

We’ve worked as a team and have stuck together through it all.

5) We had a wish granted – 2019 saw our littlest guy have a wish granted from a wish making charity.

He wished for a home spa pool so he could swim and do hydrotherapy at home.

His wish was granted and with the help of some fantastic family and friends we were able to build him a super hero therapy hut to house the pool!!

So as we leave behind 2019, I’m going into 2020 with a thankful heart. My goal for the year ahead will remain the same as it always is: to take one day at a time and to say “it is well with my soul”.


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