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Being Positive

Jeana Crouse by Jeana Crouse Additional Needs

Jeana Crouse

Jeana Crouse

I am passionate about helping awaken our strengths as special needs parents and caregivers along this journey. I cherish the opportunity to help ot...

Being Positive

I believe our attitude can make or break a situation. I also know that we, as humans, will have difficult days. I believe it is imperative that we do our best to not let difficult days break us. Somewhere within us, we must find something positive to help us through.

There are a lot of things I find positive about being a parent of a child with special needs. I hope this encourages all of you because I am sure you will be able to relate to most, if not all of these.

First and foremost, having this beautiful child has brought me closer to God in so many ways. I have needed and leaned on God more than anyone else in my life. I know that nothing works without God. Without Him, I would never have been able to get through the tough times.

Another positive, I get to be her mother. She is the most beautiful part of my life and has brought so much beauty, joy, and growth.

I learned early on that I had strength I never knew existed within me.

‘Wow!’ is all I can say. I am truly amazed at some of the things I was able to do, make happen, and hold myself together while doing them. I have been able to bring that strength into other areas of my life as well.

My daughter has made me an advocate and a warrior. My mother would often say to me “You can so easily advocate for Emma, but not yourself.” My mother helped open my eyes to how little I was caring about myself, she was right, and I now easily advocate for myself. It does kind of give the feel of being a warrior.

I have some wonderful friendships that could have only come from being Emma’s mom.

These friendships were easily developed, and there is an automatic connection.

I even have friendships with like-minded parents whom I have only spoken to on the phone. I have never met some of these women, but I know if I need something, I can reach out and be understood. It is heartwarming to me that we stick together and support each other. I feel that is just another part of God being with me.

I never take anything my daughter achieves for granted, as I am sure most parents don’t either. My point is, there are many things that others would consider “small or insignificant” that in her world are huge or difficult. For example, she is now able to do her own wash, with some verbal cues. That is amazing to me. I wasn’t sure this would ever be something she could do. She is still learning to fold her clothes, but when she does that, I will celebrate that with her.

The main point of this blog is to help us all remain positive.

There are always going to be days that we have to pull ourselves out of a pit, all that matters is that we do, because we have these special ones that need us.

All the glory goes to God. Turn to, trust in, and rely on Jesus. “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8 NIV.


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