Campaigning for Better Disabled Toilets and Changing Facilities
Yet again, Special Needs Mums are showing their power to make real change.
In this recent campaign Emma Louise Hodges and Samantha Buck are raising awareness of the real need for improved toilet and changing facilities by challenging people to share photographs of themselves standing bare foot in a toilet.
It might be OK to stand bare feet on your own bathroom floor but the thought of standing bare foot on a public toilet floor would repulse most people.
Yet for many families with disabled children their only option is to change their disabled children on the floor of a public toilet.
Emma Louise and Samantha are calling for more Changing Places facilities.
To find out more about the Changing Places Campaign visit
Firefly's Space to Change campaign also calls for improved toilet facilities and provides options for venues where cost and available space prevents them from installing a full Changing Place facility.
Visit our Space to Change Campaign for more information.
Support these mums' #barefootchallenge by sharing your own photos of your bare feet on a bathroom floor to Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #barefootchallenge.