Changing Places: My Proudest Achievements

You can read about them here.
During the course of our research we asked Tony Clough MBE what his proudest moment was a campaigner.
He couldn't narrow it down to just one so we thought we'd tell you about his top 7 picks.
In no particular order:
1. Morrisons
'I'm choosing Morrisons because it was my first Changing Places toilet in a supermarket. Others have since followed but we still have a long way to go before retailers realise the importance of including bench and hoist equipment as part of their toilet provision.'2. Montreal Airport
'This was my first non-EU airport success. Unfortunately I didn't get over for the official opening. But I know that it is making a massive difference to people with disabilities travelling to and from Montreal.'3. Road Chef
'Because it was a bloody long time coming. They got there in the end.'4. IKEA
'The first non-supermarket retailer to include a toilet with bench and hoist provision. This is my most recent success and I'm confident it's the start of something big.'5. Arsenal Football Club
'The very first Premiership Football ground to install a Changing Places toilet. It was a while ago now but it felt like a major coup at the time.'6. Lichfield
'This one has to be on the list because it's my home town.'7. England & Wales Cricket Board
'I am currently working with the ECB and we recently confirmed that Mobiloo - the mobile Changing Places toilet will be available at 9 Champions Trophy Cricket Matches at the Swalec stadium Cardiff and Edgbaston.Mobiloo will also be at no less than 7 England International fixtures at Lords this Summer Including two 5 day Test matches. As well as the Women’s World Cup Final at Lord's.'
Tony was awarded an MBE because of his work campaigning for Changing Places and Space to Change toilets.
Tony's motivation for campaigning is his sister Julie.
These toilets provide changing bench and hoist equipment to meet the toileting needs of people with a wide range of disabilities and medical conditions when away from home.