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Coronavirus and Us

Hayley Charlesworth by Hayley Charlesworth Additional Needs

Hayley Charlesworth

Hayley Charlesworth

Hi I’m Hayley I’m 36 years old and I live in Northamptonshire with my two daughters, husband Andy and my little boy Harry who has quadriplegic cere...

Wow how life can change in just a matter of weeks. I mean Life as we know it has been completely tipped upside down and shook and my god have we lost a lot our routines; School runs, commutes, work, lunches, after school clubs, gyms, classes, meet ups with friends.

Then we’ve lost our support, physiotherapy sessions, hospital appointments, hydrotherapy sessions, social workers.

And then boom we have lost our respite. Schools closed, carers can’t get in to see us and suddenly we’re left feeling very alone and vulnerable and we can’t even have our usual pick me up treat because all the coffee shops, pubs and restaurants are closed. And there’s not even a shoulder to snot on!!

I mean perhaps I could cope.

For a week, maybe two but how am I supposed to manage... home schooling, sen schooling, look after a one year old, manage all of Harry’s needs, keep the house tidy and clean, do the washing, fit in the exercise, cook and conduct Harry’s therapy?!

Wine I hear you say?! Well I suppose so but what I find is vital, is for me to look after my mental health during this time by scheduling in some time out for Me.

And yes we can find the time because it’s more important than that English lesson you have timetabled or that physio session you’ve planned. Because if you break then so does the rest of the family.  And let’s be honest the coronavirus doesn’t need to take any more casualties.

It’s not as easy but it is possible to step away from the indoor chaos we are now living in and do something that will help us to relax, de-stress and breath.

For me it looks like going for a walk or reading a book or just having a cup of coffee in the garden.

This is not a luxury it’s a necessity during these stressful and anxious times we’re living in. Take aways are gone, meet ups with friends are postponed, holidays are something for the future.

But whilst we’re in the now, find something to smile about each day. Find time out of the madness just to exhale. And then have some wine!


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