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Emotional Pets

Brittney Hinkley by Brittney Hinkley Additional Needs

Brittney Hinkley

Brittney Hinkley

Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

Whether it is for diabetes, assistance in predicting seizures, or even mobility, there is no doubt that these therapy dogs can help tremendously.

Of course, with such trained dogs, comes the price to help raise them into what makes them useful.

As far as my research has informed me, these prices can go as high as $15,000 and even higher!  Most families that I have seen usually do fundraisers or donations to help pay this.

Unfortunately my son is three years old, and at the moment he is frightened of dogs and raising such a large amount of money doesn't seem feasible.

But me being the mom that I am and strive to be, I knew I could find him another pet in which he could have for emotional support.

For me, emotional support can mean just having something other than family or human, to love and care for.

This year, we decided to take that step and bought my little Oliver a rabbit. Why a rabbit, you may ask?

We found that Oliver was not scared of small, calm animals like our household cat, and now new, rabbit. He decided to name her Sky High (because he loves Paw Patrol).

When we brought her home, she was just two months of age. A tiny little thing!

Love came easy for him. He bundled her up in a blanket and would just love on her, until I told him it was time to give her a break.

Not only has she been a great pet for him to love on, it has shown his responsibility too.

He is always so excited when I tell him it is time for him to help me feed her, change her bedding, and give her some water for drinking.

With her having a ground level cage, it is easy for him to help me, as my son cannot stand nor walk on his own without assistance.

His little Sky was handled by hand since birth, so we don’t ever have to worry about her nibbling his fingers.

Our little bunny has been a great addition for my son, where a dog has shown to be too much stimulation for him to handle.

For Oliver being such a young age, a bunny is easy to keep up with, and is a little easier for us to afford right now while we introduce things like care and responsibility to him.


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