Finding a Place Where You Belong

Rebecca Jeapes
Mummy to IVF twins, V is our CP warrior princess.
I tentatively made an Instagram account in May 2014.
We had just suffered a huge loss, our first IVF miracle baby, miscarried early on.
I was lost.
I was in desperate need to connect with people who understood loss and also infertility and the gruelling IVF process.
I was amazed at the online community I found.
The support and love I received and the friendships I made.
I shared our second round of IVF via my account, the ups and downs and ultimately my twin pregnancy.
I have transitioned over the years between different communities, infertility and IVF, pregnancy, motherhood, twins and multiples and landing eventually in our ultimate destination the SEN community.
I have friends and contacts from all communities I have been a part of.
I continue to offer support and advice where I can to new visitors to each journey.
Finding not one person, but a community of people that are going through similar if not identical journeys are your own is incredible.
The solidarity and understanding is second to none.
I have made firm lifelong friendships with the most wonderful people.
Reaching out can be scary but being alone in your journey is far scarier.
Amazing things an happen when you find your tribe.