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Finding His, “Thing”.

Brittney Hinkley by Brittney Hinkley Additional Needs

Brittney Hinkley

Brittney Hinkley

Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

Usually we find it when we are a little older, like middle school/high school.

It is usually our ‘thing’.

Soccer, baseball, football, painting, instruments, etc.

It is that one thing that we are good at, or simply have such a passion for and enjoy doing it.

My step-son Aaden, has found his and it is baseball.

He is such a great athlete, but he is exceptionally well at baseball and loves the sport.

My Oliver is approaching four years of age, and I am dying to find something he can consider to be his go-to thing.

In our area, we have a non-profit group called No Limitations, which hold sporting seasons for kids with disabilities; such as football, cheerleading, and soccer.

Oliver has enjoyed football and soccer, but is still timid when playing.

Lately he has started tumbling on his head and around the house, full of joy.

That is when it hit me one night...

Why not look in to putting him in gymnastics?

He has such superb upper body strength from therapy that I believe he would excel in some areas of gymnastics.

Luckily, through recommendations, we found one facility that is actually run by a physical therapist who has had experience working with children with physical disabilities.

Upon talking with her, she even agreed that gymnastics would be an awesome way for Oliver to work on certain muscles like he does in therapy, but with other kiddos his age.

We have scheduled our first trial class for the 12th of March, and are so excited to see how he does!

Oliver is beyond excited, after showing him the tricks and tumbles other children have done on the mats and swinging on the bars.

Oliver also starts baseball with another league that includes children with disabilities in sports play.

It may or may not be his thing, but we hope to provide enough options for him to be able to test and pick one for himself.

We never envisioned so many options available for him, being in a wheelchair, and are excited to take him down every and any avenue we can!


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