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Finding Physical Activities Your Child Loves

Rebecca Toal by Rebecca Toal Additional Needs

Rebecca Toal

Rebecca Toal

Blessed, busy mum to four beautiful girls, the youngest with complex special needs due to extreme prematurity. We are always looking for ways to ma...

For those few hours after school or if they are still little and at home with you all day?

My little munchkin is seven years old now - it’s hard to believe!

Although she has hypotonic cerebral palsy and cannot walk unaided yet, that doesn’t stop her being VERY active and inquisitive.

She scoots independently on her bottom, or can walk hand-held or with her walker.

Having multisensory impairment (deaf and mostly blind) only seems to heighten her curiosity and amazement with the world!

We recently stumbled across the perfect local indoor soft-play.

And have invested in a monthly pass as it’s such a great gross motor skill exercise or ‘physio’ for Brielle.

She has great fun on the slides, the ball pit, stacking blocks, climbing and much more.

Thankfully her 11 yr old sister loves to be her helper so it gives me a little bit of a break (added bonus - they don’t charge for her!)

Living in Northern Ireland, soft-play is ideal for most of the year when it tends to be rainy and overcast!

That being said, there are many soft-play areas that didn’t have much things that she could do really, so it’s about being picky and finding a good fit for your child’s individual needs.

A great playground with swings, slides, ‘twisty-things’ is hard to beat!

Walking to or popping into the playground on our way home from school is one of Brielle’s very favourite things to do!

Again, it encourages physical movement and gross motor co-ordination and helps her communication to blossom as she requests more of certain activities.

Brielle was very blessed to recently get a supported trike with a parent handle finder by Whizz-Kidz and it’s fantastic!

If you live in the UK, I highly recommend applying to a charity for funding for a special trike, they are amazing but very expensive!

Brielle loves taking a ride to the playground now or to the nearby beach (instead of being in her wheelchair).

We park her trike by the rocks, and she strolls hand-held on the stony sand, and just loves to touch the water’s edge!

A spring fair recently visited nearby and Brielle loved going on some of the little rides.

She’s quite a thrill-seeker.

Swimming is also a favourite activity with her sisters, but quite a lot of effort and time, I find you really have to be in the mood!


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