For Better or Worse (in praise of Loulou’s Daddy)

All bound for Lou Lou Land
Our early relationship was spent as a continuation of our student years with lots of nights out, takeaways and little by way of seriousness.
How times change!
Now married with two children and one of them being Loulou, I’m more certain than ever that I made the right match.
Neither of us could have ever predicted how things have turned out and I’m so lucky to have him in my life.
When I’m tired and Loulou is awake in the middle of the night or won’t settle in the evening, he is there for me.
When I’m stressed about changing seizure patterns or feeding difficulties, he is there for me.
When I’m in need of a break from the girls, he is there for me (quite often the minute he walks in from work).
He can control Loulou’s hands far better than me and it’s lovely to see her relaxed and cuddled into her Daddy as he settles her to sleep at night.
We’re a team.
When one of us gets down, the other one is there to pick us up. If one of us forgets to give a particular medicine on time, then the other will remember. As Loulou gets heavier, the ability to lift her together is crucial. We fret and worry together, debate potential diagnoses together, agree strategies together and still, most importantly, we laugh together.
I’m lucky to be his wife and feel lucky every day for my girls that he is their Daddy.
So Happy Father’s Day to Loulou’s Daddy. I love you and our imperfectly perfect family xx