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From Lockdown Back to Reality!

Zowie Kaye by Zowie Kaye Additional Needs

Zowie Kaye

Zowie Kaye

My Big Fat Greek Family – we love our food and love each other even more. We're a like liquorice allsorts, all a bit different. I’m a full time wor...

I remember having a conversation with my manager back in March, she told me to start working from home from Monday 16th full time until we knew what was happening with this virus.  Then we had an announcement re lockdown and from Monday 23rd March not only was I working from home full time, but I also became a home tutor to our son.

I was convinced it wouldn’t last long and Cameron would be back to school in no time – that wasn’t to happen for another five months. My husband was furloughed and for the first time we were all in the house ALL the time, together and we did not know for how long. This was our new normality.

I have kept a diary for Cameron for the last five years now, about memories and funny stories.  I have just had a look at some extracts over lockdown and it made me equally sad and happy:


I’m worried how this will affect your academically.

The number of UK deaths today was reported at 1789 – its accelerating quickly.  You are happy though and your greatest concern is when your magnums are running out.

People are panic buying, there are rows upon rows empty in the Supermarkets. We will be on toilet roll rations shortly!!


GCSE & A ‘Levels cancelled. Markings on the floor of all shops for distancing. Churches closed – graveyards shut. Government vital update letter in the post.

I am so proud of you Cameron – you have received some amazing feedback from your teachers and a school award for when you go back!!

Dad cut your hair today – you are not happy and heard you say to your friend online “yeah so my dad deleted half my fringe and now I look weird”


You asked me “what was life like in 1900, was it like this” – not quite sunshine, imagine not having internet or TV.

Letter from school “Cameron well done for engaging so well with your home learning during this extraordinary time. You have submitted some outstanding work”

Dad went back to work after 10 weeks off work, it was a sad time as we had all got use to just being together laughing and doing things around the house.  You went back to school early September into Year 8, after having only done just over five months of Year 7.  Your tic disorder has heightened through the stress and anxiety of the unknown, for the first time I have not been able to tell you how things will be -  all the uncertainty of masks and new group bubbles, I don’t know how this new school journey will be for you.

The house is quiet now, I miss you coming downstairs and asking me if I’m ok.

I miss you spending your mornings sat with me at the table whilst we both work.  I’m sad that you should be now getting into the year groups where you would possibly go on an abroad trip – I was always so excited and eager to encourage you to do this and take the learning opportunities but I fear that this probably wont happen at all the way things are.  That this is our new normality.


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