Giving Up Control

Francie Khalaf
I am a wife and mother of two children with cerebral palsy. I believe in making lemonade out of lemons
We had a recent change in our family with my grandfather.
My grandmother decided to put him in memory care. It was the best thing for him, but it was a very difficult decision.
It got me thinking about when nursing care was brought up to me for my son.
For some it may have come as a relief to know that they could qualify nursing, but for me it was hard giving up control.
I felt as though I wasn’t a good enough mom to take care of my own son. I wasn’t sure that I needed it but our early childhood teacher explained to me that would be a good thing.
I decided to give it a shot and I am so glad I did.
It’s hard to give up control and accept help.
It’s hard to rely on someone else to take care of your child, even typical children.
Sawyer has a multitude of disabilities and it’s very scary putting his life in other’s hands.
However, now that we have had nursing for so many years I have found that it’s such a wonderful thing.
I can just be mom. That was a big “A-HA” moment for me.
I didn’t realize I was wearing the hat of nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist and mom.
I didn’t even think that other parents may not have as much on their plates.
I am a lot like my grandma in the sense I am a busybody and am constantly filling my plate.
In this case, I get to just be mom. I am a different kind of mom because I am still a strong advocate for my son and I juggle many therapists, doctors and appointments but most importantly I could focus on those things and myself during the day when the nurse is with Sawyer.
We are so incredibly blessed to have gained another family member.
Sawyer’s nurse loves our family like her own and considers us family.
She checks in on her days off and I can confide in her any feelings I am having.
She is so much more than a nurse. Sawyer lights up when she walks into the room.
I have so many photos and videos of him laughing and smiling at the sound of her name.
They have so much fun together and work hard.
We call her a magician sometimes because he often does things for her that he won’t do for mom.
It can be very scary and not always easy but sometimes “yes” is the best thing you can say.