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Brittney Hinkley by Brittney Hinkley Additional Needs

Brittney Hinkley

Brittney Hinkley

Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

As of June, my little family and I became new residents to the state of Maine.

Both my husband and I were born and raised in Texas, so this was quite the change.

A change we both were ready to make!

Moving here we envisioned frequently visiting family, but that has now taken an indefinite halt due to COVID-19.

And as much as I hate to make you read another blog about COVID-19, with the holidays it sure makes things extra hard.

Can I just pause and say what we are all thinking, “What a dang year it has been!”.

I did not imagine the whole year to fly by and be such a dramatic change from last year.

With the holidays and the precautions set in place by our Governor, Christmas is looking to be a small and intimate celebration with just us five.

Having three children in the home, and more importantly one that is more susceptible to illnesses, we just can not risk going out and taking part in all the ritual affairs that the holidays bring.

It is a hard decision to come to, and one the kiddos might not come to understand just yet; but it will definitely make one Christmas to remember.

With change, comes new opportunity though.

New opportunities to start new traditions, or put a small twist on old ones.

For our family, we will be starting a new tradition of gingerbread houses!

Since we have the time, I don’t just mean the pre-made ones either.

Go big or go home, right? (Although I am not sure that still works, considering we are already home…).

Anywho! I have come to realize that it can be all too easy to sit and mope about not being with my family during the holidays, or I can try and make the best of it.

For us, in this trying time, the best of this situation means spending quality time with my husband and children that they will hopefully carry in their memories for years and years.

I wish you all the best during the holidays, and may you all have merry, merry Christmas!


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