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Let Them Have a Break

Amy Sweeney by Amy Sweeney Additional Needs

Amy Sweeney

Amy Sweeney

My name is Amy and I’m mum to Wilson aged 3 and Ava aged 4. Wilson has cerebral palsy affecting all 4 limbs along with CVI but it doesn’t let it stop ...

We all need a break from reality every now and again.

As adults, most of us like to take a holiday away from every day life to forget about work, washing and everything else!

We all love some time away to relax and enjoy ourselves, quite rightly too!

It’s so important to look after ourselves and de-stress.

But it’s so important for children too and for children with additional needs it’s absolutely no different.

If you are a parent of a child with a disability then you will know how much is involved with regards to their needs and care.

There are days where you feel like you don’t know how you will fit in all the appointments and therapies but just stop for a minute and picture yourself in their shoes.

If you are feeling overwhelmed then believe me when I say, they will feel the exact same way even if they don’t show it.

Perhaps they just get on with it or maybe it’s a bit of a battle to get them to do all these appointments and therapies but either way, they need a break as much as we do.

So take the time, clear the calendar, book a break away.

As a parent, this might seem like hard work to do but I can guarantee you this is something you will not regret.

Spoil them!

Everything I do, I do it because it will help my child.

He has to do physiotherapy every single day, he has to wear his splints every single day, he has to come to appointments and he has to work hard but it’s all for him, to help him and I know that one day he will understand that everything we had to do was for very good reason, but this week we had a break and went on a little holiday.

I didn’t make him wear his splints all the time, we did absolutely no therapy and there wasn’t a professional in sight telling us what we had to do.

We laughed, we had fun and for one week, we were a “normal family” (if that’s even a thing!)

It may have not been the kind of holiday I had been used to before I had children but seeing my children happy and free from every day life has been the best kind of holiday I’ve had probably ever.

So, next week we will have to go back to the reality of all the hard work involved with my sons disability but some family, therapy-free time this week is something we all needed and I urge each and every one of you to do the same.


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