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Life After the Chaos

Brittney Hinkley by Brittney Hinkley Additional Needs

Brittney Hinkley

Brittney Hinkley

Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

A little baby looks at the camera

I consider myself a veteran of the NICU life. Having three boys, all of whom were born premature and having spent more than a week in the NICU, I feel confident in saying that it is no easy ride. Even ask the parents who had their baby spend a night or two in the NICU, and they will likely vouch the same. But what happens after those discharge papers are signed and you’re on the ten-minute drive home (that turns into five hours because you’re driving ten under the speed limit)?

Sure it’s an overwhelming jungle being in the NICU. The incessant beeping, the little coos and cries that sound like sheep, the never ending cords and handwashing. But two of my boys were in the NICU for over a month, and I’ll admit that I grew use to the reassurance all those things provided me.

Seeing this tiny little baby swaddled and in a crib ten times his size, with no cords or machines to tell me his exact heartbeat, was insane!

It all seemed…. Too quiet.

I felt like I could not navigate caring for this little being who entered the world ten weeks too early. Yet, somehow I did it. Day by day, sometimes minute by minute, watching every breathe he took if I needed that reassurance. Two years after the first kiddo, I managed to land me another NICU baby; and yet another one eight years after my second. (You have every right at this point to call me crazy, lol) Ten years in total later, I have three boys who are well past their NICU days (myself included) and are doing more than okay.

I know this blog is titled ‘Life After the Chaos’, and I wish I could tell you the simple fix to it all, especially for you new parents. But the truth is, that the chaos never ends. One cycle of it will, and you will make it through only long enough for the next cycle to start. That is the life we call, parenting. My only suggestion is to buckle up, try and enjoy this beautiful ride, because I promise you it is all worth it!


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