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Love Does

Micah Pederson by Micah Pederson Additional Needs

Micah Pederson

Micah Pederson

I am a mom to two children biologically and many children through foster care. My husband and I have been married three years. Our foster home is a...

What bestows on me the bravery to boldly represent you, speaking my mind, rooted in heart, to the professionals we partner with to make your weaknesses stronger and your strengths stronger yet?

Love does.

What pulls my grin from ear to ear, laughter erupting and heart overflowing with delight in the hilarity of that humor of yours?

Love does.

What causes the charting of new waters unknown and the repetitive visiting of familiar waters teeming with hardship to be more than worth it?

Love does.

What causes my soul to swell when I gaze at your sleeping face, completely captivated by the innocence and wonderful wholeness of who you are?

Love does.

What raises me from the warmth of my bed, ending my rest within the wee hours that I may rush to your side to outpour comfort and relief?

Love does.

What replaces my despair with rejoicing and hope despite the weight I carry as I care for you?

Love does.

What reaches within me to bring forth the roar of advocacy, overpowering my fear when I face the giants of injustice, discrimination, and cruelty of a world so blind?

Love does.

What brings me to my knees, ache crushing me from within as I witness the weariness you wear as you fight a battle unfair?

Love does.

What gives me the strength to rise after another sleepless night, downing caffeine and dancing into caregiver routines and appointments doused with mercies enough for today?

Love does.

What puffs my chest full of the greatest of pride as I watch you be all you were told you never would?

Love does.

What erupts in my heart and springs forth from my soul as I hold you near, mesmerized by your trust as you melt into the embrace of my motherhood?

Love does.

What causes me to be angered by the chosen ignorance of those who speak and act through the belief that your worth is directly correlated to your diagnosis?

Love does.

What makes me bolder yet softer, braver yet kinder, louder yet gentler, more informed, more present, and more full of joy as I daily encounter your miraculous existence?

Love does.

To my children who happen to have a diagnosis: I know you hear the comments of those around us, asking me why or how I do it all.

If only they knew that even on the hardest days, I am equipped, encouraged, and empowered by a force whose power cannot be understood:


My love for you.

Your love for me.

God’s love for us.


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