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Merry Christmas fellow additional needs families

Amy Cameron by Amy Cameron Additional Needs

Amy Cameron

Amy Cameron

I’m mummy to 2 boys with very different needs - follow us to see how we live a different kind of normal.

To my fellow additional needs families,

We go through the everyday supporting each other; laughing together, crying together, ranting together, offering advice and sometimes just being a listening ear.

Our days are filled with lifting, changing, feeding, physiotherapy, breathing treatments, medicines, therapists, hospitals, appointments.

We spend our days researching, advocating, driving to appointments, attending meetings. We spend our days caring and doing everything we can to ensure our families are happy.

Some days we get tired, some days our backs are breaking. Some days things don’t go to plan and some days we don’t accomplish much.

Some days we cry and some days we wish it was different. Some days we have fallouts and some days we feel lonely. Some days are filled with worry and stress. Some days are tough physically and mentally.

On those days my fellow families, we pick each other up, we send a message of support, we phone with advice, we make each other smile.

We let each other know that we’ve all been there and were all in it together.

Some days we see miracles, milestones never thought possible. Some days we laugh and accomplish much. Some days we celebrate achievements – small ones and big ones.

Some days we feel loved and surrounded by family and friends. Some days feel easy and we make it to bed time with zero drama. Some days we do fun things and we get a break from hospitals and appointments.

On those days my fellow families, we celebrate together, we smile and are happy for each other, we message with support. We’re all in it together.

So this Christmas I want to thank you all for your support this year; for the laughs, the tears, the tantrums, the advice and the love.

You are all incredible families – strong, brave, accepting, loving, kind.

I feel privileged to have met such a lovely families and love doing life with you all. I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and for the New Year I wish you all hope, strength, love and a year ahead full of making memories.

Here’s to continually smashing life together.

Love me x


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