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Messy Play

Naomi Aldridge by Naomi Aldridge Additional Needs

Naomi Aldridge

Naomi Aldridge

I am a special needs blogger who writes about mine and my son's special needs journey. I love being a mummy to Ethan and I want to share the highs...

I always get lots of interest in all of the messy play I do with Ethan.

I love thinking up new things for him to explore with.

I have a childcare background which encouraged my love of messy play, but you really don't need this to create easy, fun and accessible play at home.

The benefits of messy play for our children are huge. Messy play helps to encourage fine and gross motor skills. It can help movement in hands, arms and feet. It can be used to decrease sensitivity.

Messy play can help increase heightened senses.

Here are my top tips for setting up a messy play session:

1. Grab a big mat, tray or bowl. I have a range of different things I use. The ones I recommend are; tough tray, flexi tub, consortium tray and asda mixing bowls.

2. Throw out your inhibitions! Wear old clothes, cover the floor or better still go outside.

It doesn't matter how messy it gets!

3. Choose your 'messy' item. They don't all have to be wet and gooey. There are lots of dry materials that are great fun. Why not have a look on Pinterest for some fun ideas.

Our favourites for messy play are; * shaving foam * jelly * dried rice, pasta or lentils * water * gloop (Cornflour and a little bit of water mixed together) * aqua beads * breakfast cereals e.g. rice krispies, cheerios or shreddies * leaves, sticks and conkers

But really the possibilities are endless!

4. Add optional extras. These are to enhance the child's play.

They allow for the imagination to be used.

I often have a theme in mind or use my child's interests at the time. Here are some ideas to add to your messy play;

* plastic balls * bricks * pots * play people * gems * kitchen utensils * glitter * animals * cups, spoons and bowls

5. Have fun - let your child do whatever they want or can do.

There really is no right or wrong way to do messy play.

Allowing freedom to move will allow your child to increase their independence and learn about the world around them.

Enjoy having some fun with your children it really is fun for all the family!


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