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Rochelle Followes by Rochelle Followes Additional Needs

Rochelle Followes

Rochelle Followes

I am parent to a gorgeous little blue eyed boy who has complex needs. I have a Facebook page, 'my daily miracle' where I share our life with others...

A miracle is something that happens against the odds, it's something that cannot be understood, and it’s something we read about in the Bible, where there are lots of what appear to be, impossible events.

For me, miracles are a little bit closer to home.

Miracles happen against all the odds, but also happen when the odds are for them. Miracles happen against all the negativity, but also within positivity.

Miracles bring us joy, love, and something we couldn't quite picture but once we see that miracle everything falls into place.

Miracles are to be treasured, appreciated and remembered for what or who they are.

When I picture a miracle I picture Zachariah, my nieces, my friends' children and all the children around the world.

Children who are all so unique, perfect and wonderfully made.

Last year, a very close friend of mine said goodbye to her little miracle, a miracle who fought so hard, fought so brave.

A miracle who spent a very short time with her mummy, daddy and brother giving such precious gifts of love, joy, hope and peace.

Now, although their miracle may not have appeared to be what we all expected and hoped for, their miracle was still a miracle, and still the most perfect gift from God.

As I was grieving and asking God why, I found myself wondering why Zachariah had lived longer than Doctors had said, I found myself wondering why my friend's baby girl could not have been given longer.

As I comforted my friend I felt guilt, guilt that brought so much pain and confusion, as I couldn’t explain why we had to say goodbye to such a perfect miracle so soon.

During the pregnancy we had spoken about the services that will help my friend's family, we had discussed how I could help find the best equipment for this precious baby girl, we had this huge hope that she would live long enough for all our plans to fall into place.

Despite all this, there was a bigger plan that we could not comprehend, this miracle was taking a path that we had no control over, and what an amazing miracle she was.

Miracles have a way of taking us by surprise, they are not always what we expect them to be, but I truly believe that every child created is a miracle and they should all be appreciated in such way.

Beautiful. Perfect. Wonderfully made.

To all of you who ask why, just like I did, look at your children as unique miracles who are so magnificent in every way.

However long you are given with your miracles, treasure it and remember them for what they brought to your lives.

Although I didn’t meet my friend's baby girl, I have been blessed by her life and left amazed by her strength and beauty.

Enjoy your time with your miracles and learn from them, as I believe every miracle has a gift to be received.

In memory of Matilda Rose x


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