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Rochelle Followes by Rochelle Followes Additional Needs

Rochelle Followes

Rochelle Followes

I am parent to a gorgeous little blue eyed boy who has complex needs. I have a Facebook page, 'my daily miracle' where I share our life with others...

Today I’m sat here writing this blog with a hot cup of coffee whilst Zachariah is at nursery for his third settling in session and to be honest I’m feeling rather excited about the whole thing.

I have some precious time to just be me and reflect.

All those things I thought I would experience when leaving him at nursery are pretty much non-existent.

Instead of feeling guilty about leaving him I am feeling excited to hear about his day and see what fun he has participated in.

Instead of feeling worried I am feeling complete peace over it all, I have nothing but warm, positive vibes when I drop him off at nursery, it is such a wonderful place with lots of passionate staff.

Instead of wondering what I will do with my time and watching the clock to pick him up I am embracing the time out and enjoying things I love to do, yes I know I'm sat here writing about Zachariah, but we can't forget about him completely hey!

Overall I have felt very proud of my son, and his achievements.

He has had no trouble at all settling in and appears to be loving the atmosphere.

Already he is making new friends and sharing his beautiful, contagious smile with everyone around him.

I have felt proud dropping off and picking him up, it feels so good to be part of such a usual, everyday routine.

By this I mean that hospital visits, therapy sessions and testing have been our norm for the past two years, but now we are involved in something that the rest of the world is involved in and it feels so good!

Sending Zachariah to nursery has definitely been one of the best decisions Tim and I have made, it’s a decision that has proved to be positive and beneficial for us all, especially Zachariah.

I now look forward to watching Zachariah blossom, learn new skills and bring home lots of pictures that I can stick up on the fridge!

I look forward to photo day, joining in dressing up days and parent evenings.

And I look forward to witnessing what Zachariah teaches the other children and staff at the nursery, and seeing how he too can be an educator.

The small things and the big things will all be celebrated!


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