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Special Needs Parenting: A Plan for Inclusion

Brittney Hinkley by Brittney Hinkley Additional Needs

Brittney Hinkley

Brittney Hinkley

Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

Sadly, it was a blog about my son and the fear I have for when he gets older and his disability is not longer viewed as “cute”.

When life seems to take on a new path, and activities and inclusion is harder to find for him.

I have always been his advocate, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

I will always fight for him and everything we believe he deserves.

We are pretty blessed to have people in our corner who also believe the same and will fight for us.

For instance, we travel to Dallas, Texas every year because a great association holds a Walk N Roll’ for children and families with spina bifida.

We walk to raise awareness and come together as one for support and love. My family and I never fail to make the trip out, because locally it is not something we have had presented to us.

Because of this, I got to thinking. . I have always felt that I could and would want to do more for my community and families just like mine who feel there could be more for us.

Inclusion. With any help I can find, I am now working to hold a walk for awareness of all kinds.

For my community. My family.

I want people with even the rarest diagnosis or condition to feel that they have something out there for them as well.

I want to show the community that we are humans too.

My son isn't just some cutie pie in a wheelchair, he is funny, shy, persistent and even sassy at times.

I want to offer the people of our community a chance to meet all families of any diagnosis/condition and hear our stories.

Bring awareness to them so we can come closer to one another.

We can see one another at the store and greet each other because we closed that gap.

The walk will allow families and members of the community to complete the walk together or allow someone to be able to walk it for members who may not be able to.

I have this vision. I have always had the passion.

Now with the help of my own home, I hope we can get this into action for our people and our community!


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