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Starting Nursery

Rochelle Followes by Rochelle Followes Additional Needs

Rochelle Followes

Rochelle Followes

I am parent to a gorgeous little blue eyed boy who has complex needs. I have a Facebook page, 'my daily miracle' where I share our life with others. I...

He’s moulded me into a new better person who now has an incredible amount of love to share and a lot of empathy for others.

I literally cannot remember my life before him.

We have a routine, we have places to go on certain days and people we invite over, taking each day in our own pace.

We have become best friends and have a real connection that's so special.

Being attached at the hips for so long has now brought a lot of emotion as we begin to sort out his nursery for September.

I am feeling slightly overwhelmed that my son will be totally reliant on a complete stranger for a whole day, that I will be leaving him in an unknown place.

Even though he's been out with family and friends without me, they know him and they know me and most importantly they know how I do things when it comes to Zachariah.

Whereas nursery nurses don't have that extra knowledge, don't get me wrong I have utter faith in them and I have chosen a nursery I feel is best for him, but us mummies just can't help but worry over something!

Despite all this, I'm very excited!

Seeing how Zachariah is when surrounded by his friends I just know he's going to love being part of a group.

He'll get giddy on the fun atmosphere and the other children playing with him, and I'm sure he'll pick up on a few things too.

We have chosen a mainstream nursery, firstly because it's equipped and educated for children with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Secondly because I want him to experience mainstream before he goes to a school for children with special needs.

It's now time for me to find myself again.

Look for hobbies, a career or maybe some voluntary work. Spend some time just being Rochelle!

Please leave comments on your experiences of your little ones starting nursery /school! :)

I love my boy and everything he teaches me.

Rochelle, mummy to Zachariah xxx


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