Success! Tesco have 1,350 GoTo Shop Trolley’s!

Thanks to our Firefly Community the GoTo Shop campaign is getting bigger and better!
Tesco first trialled the GoTo Shop in July 2015, here we are almost 3 years later and look how far we have come.There are now 1,350 GoTo Shop trolleys in Tesco stores across the United Kingdom, find all store locations here.
This now takes us to a grand total of 3,500 GoTo Shop trolleys throughout the UK and Ireland – how incredible!
But we aren’t giving up just yet, there’s still lots of campaigning to do – our mission is to see a GoTo Shop trolley in every retail store around the world.If you want to see a GoTo Shop in your local store, we need you to get involved and let your store know.
You can do this by simply downloading a campaign leaflet and handing it in to your local store manager.
Get involved, get campaigning and together we can make a difference.
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