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The Middle of A Storm

Lindsey Hughey by Lindsey Hughey Additional Needs

Lindsey Hughey

Lindsey Hughey

I am a mom to a wonderful 3 year old girl with CP and Epilepsy. She is our only child right now, so she is our world.

When Firefly asked the blogger family to see if a friend would write a blog about what their friendship with our family means to them, there was immediately one friend I knew would be up for this challenge.

You see, I grew up in a very small town which arguably has both pros and cons.

One of the best things that came out of this though, is that I met one of my very best life-long friends there.

She is a person that I share some of my earliest memories of my life with, and there are very few of my school age memories that don’t have her in them.

Even through adulthood, we have maintained our friendship and talk sometimes daily. Our friendship only grew closer when we were both pregnant at the same time, our children being born less than 2 months apart.

I love the admiration she has for our family because I feel the same admiration for hers.

What her blog post below doesn’t tell you is that she too has been given a life she did not plan.

She is now the mom of four beautiful children. Her second child turned out to also be her third and her forth.  Three beautiful baby girls all born on the same day.

Now, I have no idea how she handles a three year old son and triplet girls under one on a daily basis, but she does so with grace.

I am so thankful that we were put on this earth to share our lives together and watch each other grow through the good times and the bad.

I hope you enjoy her blog post below, and if you want to read more about her daily life, you can view her blog at

Blog post by: Ashley Smith Parr

I remember the first day I met Lanie. Lindsey, who I have known since we were in diapers together, walked me to the NICU at hour local hospital to meet her.

Lanie was just perfect, and Lindsey was beaming with the joy and love only a new mother does!

The second time I got to see Lanie was a day I will never forget. Lindsey’s sister and I drove an hour to the closest Children’s Hospital where Lanie was being treated for spinal meningitis.

She was a very sick baby and the whole trip was gut wrenching. I remember on the ride home I just questioned God. Why did this happen? How did this happen? How could you let an innocent child get so sick?

Why would you allow such amazing parents and people endure so much pain?

The days and months following this trip changed my entire view on life. Lanie did get to come home from the hospital when I know there are kids every day that never do.

However, that doesn’t take away from the month they stayed in the hospital with their child while she fought for her life, only to be told she has a diagnosis but they will not know the extent of the damage until she gets older.

I saw it rock them to their core.

Their lives were changed forever and they didn’t even know what to prepare for. I can only imagine it’s like knowing a storm is coming but not knowing rather to seek higher ground or get in the basement.  

Today, over 3 years have gone by and Lanie amazes people every day!

She has bounded over expectation and astonishes not only her parents, family and friends but also several doctors and nurses. She is doing more than some ever thought possible and she does not give up on anything.

She is the strongest, smartest little 3-year-old I know.

She always has the biggest smile on her face and she has a love for life that is contagious! 

Sure, this isn’t the life that my friends envisioned when they found out they were pregnant, but I can honestly say that Lanie could not have asked for better parents.

Lindsey and Travis are as good as they get and they have not let any news or diagnosis hinder them or tear them apart.

If they were ever bitter, you never knew it.

They have used everything as a stepping stone towards how to help and give Lanie everything that she needs. They did not stop living their lives, they just had to change their direction.     

This family has taught me that you will never understand the storm while you are standing in the middle of it but you must have faith that there is a reason.

I have always admired them, and they are so unaware of the impact that they have made and continue to make daily in the lives of the people around them. I love them all and am blessed to know them.


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