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The NHS Turns 70!

Rochelle Followes by Rochelle Followes Additional Needs

Rochelle Followes

Rochelle Followes

I am parent to a gorgeous little blue eyed boy who has complex needs. I have a Facebook page, 'my daily miracle' where I share our life with others...

The NHS turns 70! It can be too easy to take some things for granted. Especially when they have always been there.

As I am only 27 years of age, the NHS has always been in my life.

It was there for me at my birth, it gave my parents the help they needed through health services, it was there for me throughout my hearing difficulties as a child and gave me all my medicines I needed growing up.

It was there for the accidents I had, the dental appointments I needed, and so much more.

Without a second thought, being a carefree child, I didn’t know any different.

Now in adulthood, the NHS has become my biggest life line, it has been there for my family and helped us through the most difficult times.

During pregnancy the NHS blessed me with midwives, specialist scans, MRIs, and antenatal care.

During labour it blessed with me a hospital bed, Midwives, Specialist doctors, aftercare, even more scans and food, water and shelter for my son and me.

This has continued throughout my son’s life. Without the NHS my son would not have the quality of life he now has.

He is under numerous hospitals with consultants specialising in Genetics, Neurology, Epilepsy, Audiology, Vision, Hips, Spine, Gastro.

He is under numerous community professionals such as Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Dietician, Community Nurse, Dental Nurse and SALT.

He receives specialist equipment such as home seating, a wheelchair, bed and sleep system, bathing seating, standing frame.

Not forgetting all the aids too, such as incontinence pads, gaiters, splints, neck support, and the feeding equipment and supplies.

I know I’ve missed some out here too, the list is definitely longer!

All of Zachariah's medications have also come from the NHS. From Epilepsy, Reflux and Constipation meds, to antibiotics, to creams for infected skin and rashes.

On top of all this, the NHS has been there in emergencies.

Zachariah has been blue lighted into hospital on various occasions and received medical care from different Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses and Specialist Staff.

He’s needed the out of hours services too, for less urgent medical matters.

There isn’t a moment that goes by that we are not reliant on the NHS in some way or another.

Whether it be that Zachariah is accessing nursery using his wheelchair, being fed whilst visiting friends, sleeping at night time or being given medications at various times in the day, he is always using the services of the NHS.

Doesn’t matter where he is, who he is with, Zachariah needs the NHS.

We are thankful every single day as the strains of being unable to work are real, and the thought of having to afford all these gifts from the NHS is extremely worrying.

Even with a full-time job, we wouldn't be anywhere near being able to fund all of his medical needs.

I don’t have figures, but I know that we are in forever debt to the NHS and will be eternally thankful for the life it has given my son.

A difficult life made easier by the services of the NHS.

But I am also aware of the strains the NHS are feeling too. I've recently watched TV shows that have highlighted how much the NHS is struggling.

It's makes me anxious for the future of my boy. All I can do is pray that the NHS soldiers through and becomes stronger than ever.

Thank you to the past, present and future staff in every single role that keeps the NHS running. You are amazing!

But a special shout out needs to go to Zachariah's Therapy team who have worked none stop with Zachariah since he was 4 months old.

He hasn’t given them an easy ride, I tell you, but they have been consistent in caring for Zachariah and given me the confidence to confide in them when I’ve struggled.

They are my heroes for sure!

The NHS!

Much Love,

Rochelle, My Daily Miracle



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