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The Year No One Will Forget

Brittney Hinkley by Brittney Hinkley Additional Needs

Brittney Hinkley

Brittney Hinkley

Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

The year of 2020. I am not sure about you, but the year started off with so much promise. So much to look forward to. Then three months in, it all seemed to come crashing down.

Starting this year off, I had just landed a great job states away, with what I was currently going to school for.

Becoming a surgical technologist! Graduation was set for May, and my career was set to begin in July. With the plan to move more than one thousand miles away, things were looking like a great, fresh start! One that my family and I were very excited about.

Here we are now, in April, and things have spiraled so quickly down the kitchen sink; I am just waiting for someone to turn on the garbage disposal. 23 days is how long my family and I have been home in quarantine. Not because we are ill, but to protect one another and be safe.

My graduation has been canceled and possibly rescheduled to August, and that is all dependent on if we can complete the rest of our clinical surgeries in time. The kiddos, as well as my school, have taken the form of online learning. So not only am I having to learn myself, but I am also having to be the teacher for them. And I don’t know about you but having three growing boys in the house 24-7 sure eats your pantry empty before you can even manage to stock it!

Anywho, I guess I will end the pity party.

I am sure grateful for our health, especially Oliver as he is medically fragile. I am grateful for the time and bonding we have all done, even when we want to pull each other’s hair out. I am also grateful for the time I have gotten to just relax and catch up on things I love such as reading.

How much longer can I keep this up though? I have no clue. I honestly don’t want to find out, but I will stay put as long as I have to in order to keep us and others safe. I hope you all are following the same precautions and keeping a healthy and clear mind through all of this chaos!

From one quarantined family to another, stay safe and wash those hands!


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