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Turning Four

Brittney Hinkley by Brittney Hinkley Additional Needs

Brittney Hinkley

Brittney Hinkley

Mother to 3 boys, who are getting older by the second. Living life day by day, in this rambunctious yet blessed household.

I can’t even believe this little boy of mine has turned four years old.

Seems like just yesterday that I was in the hospital watching him grow in his little NICU incubator.

He came in to this world at three pounds strong, and he has pushed forward day after day.

We decided to do a local air show that was in town for his celebration.

The Blue Angels were coming to fly their jets and Oliver just loves planes right now.

Unfortunately, with this crazy Texas weather, we had about the coldest day of the season on his birthday and it was about 40 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind gust of 20mph.

It was ridiculously cold! Too cold in fact, that we only showed up to give him a quick tour of the planes available to view, and we left on to the next part of his day.

(The Blue Angels did not even end up flying that day due to the winds).

Our next stop was a local pizza joint which has arcade games for the kiddos to play while the grownups chit chat.

With a few games out of order, Oliver and his friends still managed to make the best out of it. Gaining over 1,000 tickets!

With prizes and gifts in hand, food and cake in our bellies, we ended the day with some karaoke at home.

Aaron and I had one more special surprise for Oliver back at the house, which was a Wild Thing for him.

If you have never heard of this, it is a power wheels device that almost acts like a power wheel chair.

The handles on it move with the same concept and it only activates when there is weight in the seat.

It really has been awesome watching him use it, as it manoeuvres in the grass and hard ground with ease.

He also took no time learning how to use it because his manual wheelchair uses the same concept for getting around, turning, and going straight.

I highly recommend this to anyone who may have a child that cannot use power wheels with the foot activated controls, and instead can use the handheld ones.

Oliver turning four may have seemed like any other day to him (as he thinks his birthday is coming soon again, lol) but I know he has the memories to cherish just as I cherish all the ones from the day he was born.


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