What Valentine’s Day Is Really About

Amy Sweeney
My name is Amy and I’m mum to Wilson aged 3 and Ava aged 4. Wilson has cerebral palsy affecting all 4 limbs along with CVI but it doesn’t let it st...
When Valentine’s Day comes around we are reminded it is time to focus on that special someone, it could be your children, partner, husband, friend..
As Valentine’s Day approaches, we sometimes forget what the holiday is really about thanks to the big markets out there for chocolates and cards and more.
It can be overwhelming, trying to decide what to get and who to get a box of chocolates or card for.
Yet Valentine’s Day should be a day when we slow down by sharing our love and appreciate all who are there for us.
Whether it is a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, classmate, teacher, parent, husband, wife, or child–you don’t need to spend tons of money or buy a dozen roses to show that you appreciate what they do.
All it takes is a hug, a shared day together, a handmade card, a homemade meal, or a thoughtful favour done for someone.
One small gesture is all you need.
Showing people, you care is contagious and will continue to spread the love you’ve received.
Even better, you are showing your children how to show love, acceptance and helping those who we care about.
Rather than spending money on gifts and cards this year why don’t you make something?
Take some time out of your hectic lifestyle to do something for someone you love.
Perhaps you have a friend who doesn’t get a break, offer to babysit for a few hours while she gets some much-needed time alone.
Your partner has been really busy recently, make up a menu and cook a nice meal from scratch or maybe make up a poem or something, something unexpected!
Have a laugh together.
Maybe you’re usually too busy with everyday life to spend loads of time with your children, turn your phone off for the day and spend the time creating valentines’ crafts, cuddle on the couch with a film!
There’re so many ideas out there, spend time not money.
Show that special someone how much they really matter to you and share the love, I guarantee that it won’t only make them feel loved, it will make you feel so happy that you made someone you care about feel that way.