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World Down Syndrome Day 2015

Matthew Perry by Matthew Perry Additional Needs

Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry

We had the night of our lives at the Lancashire Cup Final where the girls were mascots of the victors Chorley FC who wore a special pink kit for the occasion.

It was a great way of raising awareness during such a week.

Then midweek Jodi was interviewed on ITV television which can be seen here - whilst I did local radio, it’s been a manic few days.

Today the girls will lead out Rochdale FC when they take the field in their Division 1 clash.

The lads at Rochdale will all be wearing Pink T Shirts during their warm up as will Chorley.

The Down Syndrome Community has the support of a Boxing World Champion, an International Rugby superstar and the Lancashire County Cricket club on their tour in Dubai.

In all people around the world will be flying our flag and raising vital awareness of Down Syndrome.

I’m sure come Monday we will be ready for a rest x


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