Jocquain's Upsee Story

Getting upright once again

Joaquin is four year old boy, with an, as yet, undiagnosed condition. His parents report that he developed in the typical way until he was three years old, before losing motor abilities and developing progressive, generalized dystonia. Joaquin now uses a wheelchair for mobility

Clinical Background

Joaquin’s condition is complex. His dystonia is treated using intrathecal baclofen and a brain pacemaker which provides deep brain stimulation. These have reduced Joaquin’s symptoms but he remains severely impaired in his gross and fine motor skills. His swallow is also affected and he is fed by gastrostomy.

Our Approach

Joaquin’s parents bought him an Upsee, with the aim of enabling him to achieve an upright perspective of his environment once more.

The Result

Joaquin’s parents feel that the Upsee has achieved this. They report that the freedom they have gained as a family to go the park, play ball or go for a walk is “truly marvellous”. They note that Joaquin appears more motivated and he smiles more in the Upsee, and they feel the participation opportunities they have gained has allowed them to bond better as a family.


Upright Activity, Mobility Harness

Upsee is mobility harness designed to allow children with motor impairment to stand and move with the help of an adult. It allows children with additional needs to experience upright movement like anyone else. Some have been able to stand and hug their little brother or sister for the first time. Some have waved at neighbours on their first ever walk along their own street. And some crossed the playground hand-in-hand with their best friend for the very first time.
