Makenzie's Scooot Story

Makenzie has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy as a result of prematurity and periventricular leukomalacia. Born at 30 weeks, Makenzie weighed 2lb 12oz (1247g) and spent 45 days in the Neonate Intensive Care Unit.

Clinical Background

Makenzie has developed good head control and reasonable trunk control, but she requires a little assistance to sit, and more to stand and move. While spasticity in all four of her limbs makes motor activities more difficult to achieve, Makenzie has some functional fine motor skills, better on her left side. However, she requires adult assistance to play on the floor or move from room to room.

Our Approach

Makenzie’s parents bought a Scooot for her to enable her to be more independent within her home environment.

The Result

Makenzie has been able to use the Scooot in both the Crawl and Ride configurations. In the Crawl configuration Makenzie is able to practice reciprocal movements of her arms and legs, and is motivated to move herself. In the Ride configuration, Makenzie requires the bilateral use of her arms and hands on the wheels to make the seat move. Her parents report that Makenzie is more willing to use her right arm than previously and the co-ordination of her pushing movements has improved.


Sit & Ride - Versatile Mobility Rider

Scooot is designed to help children with additional needs develop motor, sensory, cognitive and perception skills through exploration and play in a way that best suits their developmental abilities. Scooot's 4-in-1 design means 4-times the fun and 4-times as many chances to fulfil potential. Scooot has four cool configurations: Scoot, Crawl, Ride, and Pooosh. Your child will benefit from the experience Scooot can provide them with – whether that’s being at floor level, being able to self-propel a little, or even being able to move around independently or being pushed around their surroundings.
