Sophie's Upsee Story

Sophie’s first dance experience

Sophie is a 5 year old little girl who has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy as a result of an infection whilst in utero. She attends a special school, equine therapy & has received rehabilitation services since 3-months old. Sophie particularly responds to music, walks & being outside with her family.

Clinical Background

Sophie’s cerebral palsy means that she has global developmental delay and hypertonia, and although her head control is good, she uses a wheelchair for mobility. Sophie’s parents feel that she does not enjoy her wheelchair, and do not like the loss of freedom they feel it represents for her. Keen to give Sophie the best outcomes possible, her parents have engaged with many cognitive, motor and sensory therapies, as well as keeping abreast of technical developments.

Our Approach

The Upsee first came to the attention of Sophie’s parents via social media, and they purchased one for her, so that she could experience upright movement.

The Result

Sophie’s parents report that the Upsee has met their objectives – Sophie enjoys upright movement, she can choose where she wants to walk, and her hands are free for play. They report that she loves to explore, and smiles frequently. As a family, they have been able to dance, go shopping to the supermarket, go to recitals, cook together, and many other activities which were not previously possible. Sophie’s parents use her Upsee as part of her daily therapy, believing it contributes to her motor, cognitive and sensory development. They report positive changes to her muscle tone and trunk control, as well as better enunciation of words.


Upright Activity, Mobility Harness

Upsee is mobility harness designed to allow children with motor impairment to stand and move with the help of an adult. It allows children with additional needs to experience upright movement like anyone else. Some have been able to stand and hug their little brother or sister for the first time. Some have waved at neighbours on their first ever walk along their own street. And some crossed the playground hand-in-hand with their best friend for the very first time.
