Making shopping trips more accessible for special needs families


We know supermarket shopping with young kids isn’t always easy. But unfortunately for many families in our community, it’s more difficult than it needs to be!
You told us:
“Neither the standard or disability shopping carts provide Daniel with the trunk support he needs. This leaves me with very few options; doing my shopping online, leaving Daniel at home and arranging childcare, or settling for buying what I can carry as I push his wheelchair.”
“My 5 year old son is too little for the other special needs carts. They don’t give any trunk support. He is in a wheelchair otherwise, which makes shopping VERY difficult”
“My daughter feels most secure in her wheelchair but it's not convenient for grocery shopping if I am by myself, I’d have to push it alongside the shopping cart!”
We’re here to help.
The Firefly GoTo Shop is an adapted shopping cart for children with special needs who require additional postural and head support. And the best part, it was designed with the help of a Mom who was experiencing the very same problems when shopping with her daughter Cassidy, who is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
The GoTo Shop features an open front design to easily lift your child in and out while also allowing for fun interactions while shopping. For additional support, it has a fully adjustable, cushioned five point harness and head and lateral support.
More good news, there’s over 3,500 GoTo Shop carts installed in supermarkets across the UK, Ireland, the US and parts of Europe. And they’re making a real difference to special needs families!
“One of the nicest things is that we can now make spontaneous trips to shop. I no longer have to plan methodically with my family, I can just go. It’s made shopping easy and fun!”
“Food shopping is so much more enjoyable for Annabelle when we get to use the Firefly GoTo Shop! Rather than concentrating on trying to sit up right for the entire shop and getting tired part way round, she can instead concentrate on helping with the shopping which is much more fun!"
"We have been shopping here for 2 years now purely because of this trolley. It really is the difference between being able to go shopping safely and stress free or not being able to go at all! Small things can make a huge difference! Supermarkets, take note!"
But it’s still not enough. At Firefly, we want an accessible shopping cart to be available for EVERY child who needs one and we’re working hard to make that happen.
How can you help?
If you would love a GoTo Shop at your nearest supermarket, simply speak to your store manager and ask for one. They might just be willing to help!
For more information, contact us at: