10 of the Most Positive & Supportive Things Said to Special Needs Parents

This is what you told us –
- Focus on the ‘inchstones’ instead of the ‘milestones’.
- After diagnosis I was freaking out and saying ‘What are we going to do?’ A friend said, ‘What do you mean? You’re already doing it, you’ve been doing it for 8 years!’
- Don’t focus on what he can NOT do, always focus on what he CAN do.
- He can do anything and everything, just not yet – he needs to learn his own way.- No matter what the doctors say, she is gonna be able to do everything they say she couldn’t.
- Zachariah is Zachariah, not his diagnosis. He will lead his own path and that is OK.
- Celebrate every new thing. Don’t wait for just the big.
- Welcome to the warriors club.
- Take each day at a time, try not to get to ahead of yourself.- You’re a good mom.
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