5 Reasons To Go Shopping With a Child With Special Needs

Something to be avoided at all costs!
But every day we hear from parents who are loving the opportunity to take their child shopping because of our GoTo Shop trolley.
So here are our 5 reasons why shopping can be fun with kids with special needs when you use a GoTo Shop Trolley.1. Sensory Experience - the supermarket can provide a great opportunity for a sensory experience. There's so much going on with lights, colours, sounds, textures - so many opportunities to introduce your child to new sensory stimulations.
It's a good idea to introduce this new sensory experience slowly with short visits during quieter times before building up to longer visits at busier times.
2. Participation - the GoTo Shop trolley allows you to get your child up close to shelves and counters.
Why not involve them in the task by helping them or encouraging them to choose the items you need or by asking them to make choices between two different items.
You could even get your child to help with directions, as they become more familiar with your local store ask them to point in the direction of the frozen items for example.
3. Face to Face - if your child is a wheelchair user so much of their time is spent facing away from you.
Take a minute to enjoy this 1-2-1 time away from home.
It's a great opportunity to work on maintaining eye contact, communication and turn taking.4. Motor Skills - because the GoTo Shop trolley provides great head and lateral support, your child will not have to worry about working hard to sit up straight and support themselves in a standard trolley.
As you are right in front of them this is a great chance to work on some motor skills.
You could encourage your child to hold the shopping list and pen.
Depending on their abilities, they could mark off the items.
Or simply work on holding items smaller than your child is used to or textures that are unfamiliar or strange.
5. Community Involvement - supermarkets are now very much a part of local communities.They hold family fun days, promotions, charity events -
the GoTo Shop trolley can help your family enjoy these activities!
Families have also reported that as they become regular visitors to their local stores, staff have become more accustomed to understanding their needs and providing additional support.The GoTo Shop trolley is available in the UK and Ireland in Dunnes Stores, Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys.
Visit the, "Firefly Finder", to locate your nearest store.
It is worthwhile phoning in advance to check where the GoTo Shop Trolley is stored.The GoTo Shop is also available for distribution in the US, Canada and Europe.
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