A Friend Named Helen

Amanda O'Neill
I’m Amanda, I’m 25 and mummy to my little angel Ryan who has quadriplegic dystonic cerebral palsy. I never knew in life what i wanted to be when I...
Helen first popped into our lives back in June 2016 when we received a private message on my son Ryan’s personal Facebook page from her.
Helen reached out with some lovely words of support... I had always known of Helen as she lived in the same street as my parents and was next door neighbours with my auntie, but I had never met her personally.
Helen is also a special needs parent. She and her partner Ronnie raised a beautiful boy who is also named Ryan.
Like our son, Helen's son Ryan also has cerebral palsy. She devoted her life to give him the happiest life she could and to show him he was loved endlessly.
Sadly in 2015 and at the age of 21 Helen and Ronnies son Ryan passed away.
I could not even begin to imagine what you both must have went through... I am truly honoured that you have chosen to share your lovely stories and memories of Ryan and all about his funny character with us.
Helen when we first met you, you made us feel welcome it was like we had known you for forever.
The way you and Ronnie took to Ryan blew me away. It was like my son was always supposed to be in both of your lives.
You have spoiled him with kindness and thanks to yourself and Ronnie made opportunities possible for Ryan that we couldn’t have ever done ourselves.
It is no use denying that Ryan adores his alone time every Monday night with yourself and Ronnie.
I also hope the Monday nights spent with Ryan bring you both some comfort too.
We couldn’t be more thankful for your kind family also, taking time out their days to come to visit and build a relationship with him.
I think it sweet how he has built a friendship with Alex over finding Nemo and Mr. Tumble.
How he loves to show off to Danielle and Tricia and how he gives poor Anne into a row if he hasn’t seen her in a while.
I am blessed to have you as a friend because I never thought I would have met somebody who understands our life just as much as you do.
I cannot believe we have been so lucky to have found somebody who we can trust and turn too if we ever have a worry or question because you have walked in the same shoes.
Helen, you are an amazing lady with a heart of pure gold. Thank you for loving our son the way you do.