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A time to be thankful

Naomi Aldridge by Naomi Aldridge Additional Needs

Naomi Aldridge

Naomi Aldridge

I am a special needs blogger who writes about mine and my son's special needs journey. I love being a mummy to Ethan and I want to share the highs and...

Christmas is just around the corner. It's my favourite time of year.

It's full of cosy nights in, lights everywhere, people spending time with family, eating lots of food and gift exchanges happening.

Christmas is a time we celebrate those around us. Ethan is the same as me and absolutely loves Christmas too. His face lights up when he sees Christmas lights strung all around the house.

The smell of yummy treats in the kitchen excites him so much.

Each Christmas when we're all celebrating I can't help but wonder if this will be the last with my precious boy.

Lots of people ask me why I do all the lovely things with Ethan, the simple answer is that I don't want to have any regrets.

We pack so much into our days because I want to know that I've given Ethan all the experiences I can.

This year will be filled with lots of messy play activities. Peppermint smelling playdough, baking yummy cookies, visits to see Santa, sensory stories and Christmas movies snuggled under blankets.

We will make every memory we can.

Let's not forget though that caring for a child with a life limiting disorder never stops.

There will be medicines to give, syringes to wash, seizures to tend to, illness to keep away from, pads to change and appointments to attend.

Our Christmas will be adapted to fit around Ethan routine and will allow him to enjoy Christmas just like us.

He will have blended Christmas Dinner and enjoy unwrapping all the carefully selected sensory toys he has been given.

We will be trying to keep out of hospital and hope that Ethan stays well and doesn't get overwhelmed by the whole festive period.

It's a big sensory ball of fun but can also be too much sometimes. Juggling this can be tricky but hopefully will be manageable.

Putting aside my fears and worries for another day and living in the moment is the best way to enjoy Christmas together.

I am incredibly thankful that I get to celebrate Ethans 10th Christmas with him.

I pray its not the last.


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