Baby Loss Awareness: Our Darling Daughter

Ger Renton
Mummy to three boys and now a mother to a fur baby, Lola. Wife to D and lover of music, books, writing and reading. I'm a believer in the power of...
You have one left
Don’t despair
Mammy and daddy
A little boy is still in there
It's easy to imagine
How she’d fit in,
Brothers who adore,
No doubt a daddy's girl.
A life spent imagining,
Her face, smile, eyes ...
Visions of one so small
Growing in life's stages
Birthdays, Christmas,
Family celebrations,
There's always,
Someone missing.
She’s never far
She's always here,
Despite the years,
It's still hard to share
Guilt invades
Why didn't you grow?
Was it my fault
I’ll truly never know
There's no preparing,
No understanding,
If’s, but, and whys
Are all left unanswered.
A life unlived
Surrounded with hushes
Let's not speak
Of the angel not here
The unseen tears,
Broken hearts
No time can heal
Although it tries.
Never held,
Never physically here,
Always with us,
My darling dear.
Sky x