Five Special Christmas Gifts for a Special Needs Parent

Miriam Gwynne
Full time mum and carer for two truly wonderful autistic twins. I love reading, writing, walking, swimming and encouraging others. Don’t struggle a...
It seems as a parent I still get asked this.
I tend to answer like most parents do with a simple 'Oh I have everything I need already thanks' or the soppy mum variation of 'My kids are all I could ever want and more.'
Both are true to an extent.
My life is very full of smiles, blessings, love and joy but as a full time carer for two children with extra needs life is also very full of other things like hospital appointments, meetings, therapy and endless paperwork!
So what would be good Christmas presents for a special needs parent like me?
How about the following:1. A Listening Ear
We all have our own burdens to carry and none of us are without problems in life, yet so often we become so engrossed in our own busyness we forget to take time to listen to others.Giving me your time to just talk while you listen without judgement or trying to 'fix' things is one of the greatest gifts I could get all year round.
Come visit me at home while we have coffee, or sit with me in the hospital waiting room.
I may seem like I am coping but silently I pray for someone who cares enough to listen to my worries and my struggles.
If you can't physically be with me being at the end of a phone or even letting me let off steam via email or message is such a precious gift.
ou may not be able to wrap up your ears under the tree but if you could loan me them sometimes that would be amazing.
2. A Shoulder to Cry On
Some days are just overwhelming.Some mornings by the time I have managed to get the children safely to school I am exhausted and emotional.
Lack of sleep, worry for the future and constant battles on behalf of my children become weary.
I, like so many other special needs parents, long for a safe and tender place to cry where we feel free and accepted to pour out our hearts.
We need that release in order to gain strength to face another day.
We need to let the stress come out in our tears knowing there is no shame in showing weakness.
Could you be those shoulders?
Will you let me cry without question and hand me the tissues without needing to tell me I am over reacting?
That would be a gift that can not be measured this Christmas.
3. An Encouraging Word
Few people truly realise how negative the world of special needs parenting can be.Forms ask for things your child is unable to do, assessments focus on your child's shortfalls, teachers comment on how your child is not hitting targets like the others.
Hospital appointments bring news that breaks your heart and even the simplest appointments like the dentist are utterly draining.
Then add the guilt that your child can't talk, or walk yet or play like other children.
While other children achieve at sports, or drama or art your child excels more at loud outbursts, screaming endlessly or staying awake all night.
Encouraging words are few and far between in my world so a little text, or message or a simple smile goes a long long way to helping brighten my day.
An unexpected card saying 'I care' is like an oasis in a drought.
It is beautiful, precious and priceless.
You simply can't give this gift often enough to a special needs parent.
4. Practical Help
I would never expect anyone else to have to see to my children's personal needs nor do I expect anyone to be up all night long with them.However, there are some small very practical things though that anyone can do for a special needs parent that can make a huge difference.
How about holding the door open when you see them pushing a wheelchair?
Or holding the lift to save them waiting longer with a distressed child?
If you see them carrying a child into a car seat in the supermarket car park why not offer to take their trolley back for them?
These small gestures of kindness mean the world to someone who often feels ignored or invisible.
Kindness and practical support never ever go unnoticed to a special needs parent and they restore our faith in humanity.
Christmas is an ideal time to make a special effort to help the special needs parent as places are busier, louder and more chaotic than usual but remember a little help all year round would never go amiss.
5. Finally; Be Respectful
It is so easy at this time of year when the weather is awful and time is tight to just park in that disabled space for two minutes while you just nip in for bread.You may never ever think of doing that at any other time but for me as a parent of two disabled children this is a time when I need those spaces even more so.
The same with the disabled toilet.
I understand this time of year means most public toilets have queues and you don't mean to upset anyone.
However, these facilities are so precious to families like mine and our loved ones need that space and privacy to have their personal needs met by someone else.
We don't have the privilege of being able to wait.
Please don't push that disabled trolley away in your haste to get to the smaller one at the back.
Having a soaking wet trolley may be annoying to you but to those of us who rely on specialist seating for our disabled children having an icy, snowy seat prohibits us from going shopping at all.
Your thoughts and respect at Christmas mean a lot.
I realise now, I do actually want a few things for Christmas this year.
I want friendship, time, love and respect and those are not things money can buy, yet they are the most special and perfect gifts any special needs parent could want not just at Christmas but throughout the year.Could you give me any of these?
Do you know a special needs parent who could do with some Christmas magic?
Let them know you care today.
It could make this Christmas the best one they have ever had.