GoTo Shop - Good News!

We at Firefly, along with our amazing community, have been hard at work behind the GoTo Shop Campaign – and we have some fantastic updates we want to share with you.
For anyone not familiar with the GoTo Shop Campaign – let us catch you up!
The Firefly GoTo Shop Cart which has transformed shopping trips for special needs families in over 3,500 UK stores, is now available for distribution in the US, Europe, Australia and Canada.
As you will be well aware, we have a strong community at Firefly and parents are continuously sharing the challenges they face with everyday tasks, like grocery shopping.
The GoTo Shop has been designed to make shopping trips easier for parents and carers of young children with disabilities.
The shopping cart seat includes a secure and adjustable 5-point harness, adjustable head and lateral support, a soft padded seat and an open front for easy transfer.Parents who have used the cart in the UK have commented on the social benefits of the face-to-face interaction they get with their child – and the smiles on the faces of the kids we get photos of never fail to brighten our day – it makes us realise how badly the GoTo Shop is needed!
Over the past few months we’ve also been working with two leading retailers in the USA and a one in Australia, trying to get the GoTo Shop into their stores. We’ve found that retailers are now asking for social proof.
This is why we need you to keep sharing and tagging your local stores on our Facebook page!
In recent weeks we have had some pretty exciting news for the campaign.
The GoTo Shop has made its way to Greece, France and Germany – which is pretty awesome right?Not only that but our Firefly Friends in the UK can now request the GoTo Shop in another major retailer.
ALDI are now behind the GoTo Shop Campaign! Just go and ask for one at your local store.
There is still so much potential for this campaign, so we are calling on you our wonderful community to keep up the hard work with your campaigning.
If your local store doesn’t have a GoTo Shop download our leaflet here and bring it to your local store manager. Together we can make a difference!
Want to get involved in the campaign? Head here to find everything you will need.