More of the same

Carolyn Voisey
Mum to one incredible little dude, I work full time in higher education and have my own small business as a jewellery designer/creator. I love noth...

Ah, January. The longest month of the year (or at least it feels it). The decorations are back in storage, the Dude is back at school and I’m sulking.
Maybe I’m unusual in this, but I hate him going back to school after the holidays. I miss him. I miss being able to spend time with him, doing what HE wants to do, and just enjoying time together.
He may be non-verbal, but the house is so quiet when he isn’t here… he doesn’t need to speak in order to fill the house with his presence, so I find myself spending my last few days of annual leave waiting for him to get home. Instead of enjoying the downtime, like I SHOULD be.
A large part of this is due to the knowledge that it’s a case of new year, same youknowwhat. People may only have returned to work 24 hours ago in many cases, yet I’ve already fired off multiple emails to charities/professionals/companies. Several essential pieces of equipment need fixing or servicing so that has been arranged, and the meds/diet changes of last year have left him with a few issues that now need to be investigated.
So that’s a variety of tests booked in and appointments requested.
I’m not so much on annual leave from my job as taking time away from ONE job in order to focus on ANOTHER, that of personal secretary to my son. And don’t get me started on the saga of getting his new wheelchair sorted.
In amongst all the worry and stress however there is the genuine optimism that the New Year brings. The three of us are still standing, at the Dudes most recent spinal review (on the6th January) we were thrilled to learn that his spine is now even better than it was immediately post-fusion surgery… everything has now settled into its new position, and the bones have fused perfectly.
We’re half-way through Winter and (touch wood, quickly), he is doing very well with his chest health. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t still apprehensive, multiple years of fearing winter and its associated infections leaves a mark, but just maybe this year we’ll get through without any issues?
Lets hope this year is kinder and gentler than the previous few have been. Happy new year everyone.