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Sad Goodbyes...

Rochelle Followes by Rochelle Followes Additional Needs

Rochelle Followes

Rochelle Followes

I am parent to a gorgeous little blue eyed boy who has complex needs. I have a Facebook page, 'my daily miracle' where I share our life with others...

I know I sound like a broken record when I continuously refer back to the words the Consultants spoke over us when I was 28 weeks pregnant with Zachariah.


No quality of life.

We’re not sure if he’ll survive.

Words that have stuck with me, hurt me, but also given me the determination to give Zachariah the life I hoped he would have.

These words also give me a comparison.

They help me celebrate all that he has achieved since they were spoken over him.

He’s shown that he deserved to live, have quality of life and survive all that is thrown at him.

So, when I look at what he has achieved at Nursery, I am overwhelmed with happiness and pride.

I feel so sad that his time there has ended, especially when it has ended earlier than expected due to unwanted Chicken Pox!

But I am also extremely delighted that he has done it!

He’s attended Mainstream Nursery for 2 whole years.

He’s made friends and a best friend in Martha, he’s been involved in new and familiar experiences and smiled more times than I can count.

He’s had all the Nursery Aunties run around after him and made them all fall in love with him.

Zachariah being given the chance to attend Mainstream Nursery was something Tim and I were never sure would happen.

It was his portage worker who casually said to me about him going and how there was funding available to get him there.

I wasn’t ready!

But I got stuck right in, to see if it was something Zachariah would benefit from.

I visited one recommended Nursery with a friend.

It was wheelchair friendly and spacious.

All the staff members looked genuinely happy to be there and the children looked settled and happy.

I am not one to look at Ofsted reports as I feel more can be said about an Education setting through word of mouth, attitude of staff and the smiles on the children's faces.

I look for a place where the staff are fairly treated and want to be there.

I look for a place who say “drop in whenever” and don’t run around trying to tidy up before people visit.

This Nursery was the children's home from home rather than a showroom, so I couldn’t help but fall in love.

I haven’t looked back since.

Zachariah has been included, challenged, cared for and given countless opportunities to be himself and grow.

He’s had tailor made sessions with his amazing 1 to 1’s and had fun, integrated sessions with his peers also.

The staff have reassured me that he’s having all his needs met and nothing has seemed too big for them.

Zachariah is rather complex, but this Nursery have looked past this and not let it stop them from giving him the ultimate experience of an inclusive, fun Nursery.

They have said, and I quote;

“Zachariah is no different to his peers.”

“Zachariah is loved by all the children and staff!”

“Zachariah has a great relationship with his Aunties, particularly his Aunty Lauren.”

“Zachariah is a cheeky little boy!”

What more can a mummy ask for!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank Tower View Nursery for the most special 2 years!

I really hope you have learnt from and enjoyed having Zachariah with you, and that you will miss him half as much as we’ll miss you!

In a time of extreme difficulty and neglect, as I hear of so many awful experiences of our children not being treated correctly in Education settings, I feel blessed to have had such a great, safe place for my son.

Many could learn from Tower View!

Much love,

Rochelle, My Daily Miracle



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