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Taking Better Care of My Back (and me!)

Vaila Morrison by Vaila Morrison

Vaila Morrison

Vaila Morrison

I’m an eco architectural designer mum (of a unique little girl, a smiley little boy & 2 pointy dogs) just embarking on our own accessible & sustain...

She has recently started doing a sort of stylized bum shuffle/bunny hop technique to get across the floor (very exciting for us as it took her a long, long time to develop the motivation to move herself forwards!).

Although she can weigh bear in a standing position pretty well she has only just started taking a few (supported) steps, so is quite a long way from walking – if ever.

Therefore my day involves a lot of lifting, carrying and transfers from floor to chair, in and out of the bath and cotbed, sitting on the floor, crouching down and generally getting into awkward positions to help with her physio and mobility needs.

I’ve always had dodgy posture and a bit of a tendency to lower back pain, but I’ve been noticing the strain much more recently and it has given me a bit of a wake up call.

It’s so easy to ignore your own aches and pains and problems as the children are the priority but, as my husband works long hours, I am on my own with the wee ones most days from morning until bedtime - so if my body packs in our family really would be struggling!

With that in mind, my new year’s resolution was to start yoga and try to improve my core strength and posture….

And (a big surprise to myself!) I actually did join a studio!

I have so far managed to go along once a week (well ok, I have missed a couple of weeks – but I still think I’m doing pretty well!).

It feels very reassuring to be doing something which will help my posture and hopefully protect my back.

As an added bonus, I also get a little bit of ‘me time’ and some extremely useful tips on relaxation techniques.

Life with small children can be pretty stressful and chaotic at the best of times, but with additional needs in the mix - appointments and therapy ‘homework’ to squeeze into our day - it can be extra stressful!

In fact before each class, as I’ve run around trying to get the kids sorted and into bed in order to run out as soon as Dad comes through the door from work, I wonder if it’s actually worth the hassle and if I’m just cancelling out any benefits I might get from the relaxation elements!

So far thankfully not, although I can’t say my mind doesn’t sometimes wander back to random thoughts about home as I’m lying there in the studio….!


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