“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it." (Peter Pan)

Guest Bloggers
Firefly guest bloggers are made up of parents, therapists and professionals who wish to remain anonymous.

As parents of a child with cerebral palsy, we understand how challenging it can be to navigate the complexities of travel. We remember the days when not having kids meant we could just hop on a plane with our hand luggage and go, bring in three children and one with some very complex requirements and travelling seems like a massively daunting task!
Yet, if you have travelled you’ll know that bug is inherent within us and as parents all we want to do is share that passion with our children. So, for us, not travelling is not an option, we believe that having cerebral palsy or any disability shouldn’t be a barrier and that our son should be able to experience the world in all its beauty. So if you feel that traveling might be daunting, you’re not wrong, it is, but with the right tools, preparation, and mindset, it’s not just possible—it’s deeply rewarding.
Our recent adventure took us to Florida, a place that opened up new experiences for our son and his two siblings. is a world of magic and from navigating the airport with the Firefly GoTo Seat, authorised for flight travel with many airlines, to easily managing the parks with the WeGo pushchair, or setting up on the beach with the Splashy, we were set for an incredible experience of a lifetime and a fully accessible journey.
We even packed our Upsee so our son could get the exact same experiences as his siblings.
Most airlines are incredibly supportive when it comes to travelling so early contact with them to check the requirements of flying and explaining your unique situation really helps with the prior planning.
They might not all quite understand the importance of accommodating families like ours, and we see plenty of advocating for rights of passengers with disabilities which is all great, but the more we all fly and talk to these airlines hopefully the more accommodating they will become. One top tip: airlines allow a medical bag and suitcase for free, so never hesitate to advocate for your child's needs.
Upon landing and settling in, visiting Disneyworld was one of the most inclusive and accessible experiences we've ever had. Watching our son enjoy the magic of the park with his siblings reminded us why we travel.
These moments of joy make every bit of pre-planning worthwhile.
But as anyone who travels with a child who has a disability knows, it’s not all smooth sailing. The constant need for advocacy, and relentless reinforcing and explaining of the individual needs we have can drain you of energy, but this effort is essential because it helps drive change.
Disneyworld however was not like this, they were amazingly accommodating and brilliant throughout, five stars to them, the staff and their approach which made everything more special.
The world is vast and full of wonder and our son, his siblings and us as parents deserve to see it. We believe that other children with disabilities deserve that opportunity too. It’s important for families to travel, not only for the experience but to shed light on the ongoing need for accessible travel and to share how Firefly and their adaptive equipment can really change the face of travel.