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15 Easy Ways to Beat Stress and Boost Happiness

Angelyn Harrenstein by Angelyn Harrenstein Lifestyle

Angelyn Harrenstein

Angelyn Harrenstein

I am a wife and mother to two children. I believe there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

This post is being written after I spent all of last week in the hospital with our son, who was having some difficulty dealing with a GI bug of some sort.

He is back home and doing much better now.

The morning after we returned home from the hospital our daughter got sick with what was most likely the same stomach virus our son had.

We all know having sick kids equates to not getting enough sleep, and let me tell you that sleeping on a hospital chair/couch is not at all restful either.

My body is great at telling me when I’m worn down and stressed out, so doing research for this blog post on Stress Awareness Month is going to come in handy as I seek some ways to get extra relaxation and rest.

For me personally, more stress brings on more anxiety.  When I’m away from home in the hospital or not feeling the best myself, it is a challenge to get to the gym to exercise.

Sometimes I just plain do not have the energy, so it is important to find little ways to take better care of myself, and to decrease the anxiety that stress can create.

If my stress and anxiety are not well managed, some real health issues can surface, and if mama is sick, running a normal home life is very difficult.

So do yourself and your health a favor and take a look at some of these great ideas to eliminate stress this month and every month!

Try out adult coloring books

Listen to music that makes you happy

Find a positive phrase, scripture, quote to repeat to yourself

Keep a gratitude journal of things you are thankful for


Try yoga, jogging, or Pilates from free online videos

Take a break, even just for a day, from social media like Facebook and Instagram

Get outside for a bit…nature and fresh air can do a lot for the soul

Soak in a hot bath

Go for a walk - a 10-minute walk can relieve anxiety

Laugh…it reduces stress hormones!

Spend five minutes breathing slowly and deeply to reduce stress hormones

Get a massage or spa treatment

Listen to a funny podcast

Get a good night’s sleep



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