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Just Breathe

Carolyn Voisey by Carolyn Voisey Additional Needs

Carolyn Voisey

Carolyn Voisey

Mum to one incredible little dude, I work full time in higher education and have my own small business as a jewellery designer/creator. I love noth...

Just Breathe

A lot goes on in my head sometimes, most days too much to even think straight. Juggling family life, appointments, work and everything else life throws into the mix is hard work even without adding in the complexities of a medically exciting child!

If nothing else, the recent pandemic has made me re-evaluate a few things and reprioritise… my work/life balance is sorely in need of attention for one thing, and like most my mental health has taken a battering.

So, it was with a gleeful grin that Mr V and I booked ourselves a few days away over half-term with the Dude to give us the chance to spend some much-needed time together as a family, and to catch up with friends we haven’t seen in far too long.

It is always during this precious time away from the chaos of our daily working lives that I manage to carve out a bit of time to just decompress and unwind – somehow it never quite happens when we’re at home. There’s always something that needs doing, whether its housework or another form to fill in, and appointment to chase up or an email to answer… its never quite the right time to down tools and stop. So, while away, I allowed my brain to do precisely that.

Being surrounded by nature has always been my greatest healer.

Technology has given us many great things, without it my son wouldn’t have as good a quality of life, however for me it feels toxic and constraining at times. Being contactable anytime and anyplace is not a natural state, nor does it allow us to be all that we are.

Being in a woodland, or in the mountains allows my brain to relax and for me to regain some perspective. We are lucky enough to live in a rural area, surrounded by woodland, fields and a nature reserve which almost backs directly onto our garden – this is not something everyone can say!

But even within a city, there is always some form of green space where you can go and relax. As special needs parents, it is so important that we look after our own health, physical AND mental, to allow us to effectively care for our children. That is even more the case when we feel we don’t have time to do so, as that is the point when we are approaching our limits.

Do yourselves a favour and allow yourself time to stop and breathe. Your mind will thank you for it.


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