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We’re all in this together

Sharon Galitzer (Physical Therapist) by Sharon Galitzer (Physical Therapist) Additional Needs

Sharon Galitzer (Physical Therapist)

Sharon Galitzer (Physical Therapist)

I'm a pediatric physical therapist and also the sibling of an adult with special needs.

Whether you’re in the US, Europe, Asia, Africa……we will have to live our daily lives a little differently than ever before.

Kids are home, caretakers may not be able to be available as much, family members may need our help, supplies are limited, and nerves are high.

Each of us has to figure out a way to push through the next couple of weeks.

I surmise that many of you are stressing that you won’t be able to access your typical therapy providers so here are some creative ways to incorporate active movement:

1. Keep up with school work

2. Create a healthy menu, cook or bake together.

3. Arts and crafts activities

a. In sitting- can promote range of motion for shoulders b. While lying on your belly- can strengthen head and back extensors c. Sitting on a swiss ball- can promote balance

4. Take a walk-whether you’re all walking or whether you’re pushing someone outside, it’s great to be outside. Just consider social distancing.

5. Practice yoga by viewing video through your cable network- make it a game, a competition, or a contest

6. Play outdoors (sidewalk chalk, finger paint on plexiglass, footprints on the grass, slip and slide, sprinkles)

7. Limit screen time to certain times of the day

8. Clean out closets and create a pile for donations

9. Post free items on your community list serve

10. Have a dance party (moving and stopping as the music is turned on and off, respectively).

11. 2x15 minutes of dedicated time to exercises to stay strong and flexible (if you don’t feel that you know what to do- google it. For example” Ideas for sensorimotor activities for 1 year old..)

We can’t change the reality of the situation; however we can surely change the narrative that goes with it.

Our children feel our angst, so think positive; take frequent mental and physical breaks.

Remember, this too shall pass!


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